IAEM-USA Recording Policy

IAEM-USA Recording Policy

Only IAEM-USA authorized agents (i.e., IAEM headquarters staff, Board members, or Group leadership) may record IAEM proceedings. The use of such recordings is limited to professional development and similar training content delivery, and temporary recordings to aid in the production of meeting minutes or transcriptions. The latter recording is for internal use only.

It is the strict policy of IAEM-USA that no IAEM-USA meeting or event (including, but not limited to region, committee, task force, caucus, or other group meetings) shall be recorded without prior written or verbal notice to all meeting participants and the receipt before the commencement of recording of the unanimous written or oral consent of each participant. If any participant objects or declines to grant their consent, the recording of such meeting or event shall not be permitted. This policy is addressed to recording via any form of electronic or telephonic means, including, but not limited to, the use of any AI application. The recording of IAEM-USA meetings, including Board and Group meetings, is further subject to applicable state law. 

Participant consent(s) to the recording shall be retained by IAEM-USA only for such time as is reasonably necessary to ensure the accurate production of minutes or transcription of the recording into written form. The unauthorized retention of a recorded version of IAEM-USA meetings or events by any party, or the sharing or distribution of a recorded version of any IAEM-USA meeting or event with any unauthorized party is strictly prohibited.  Furthermore, posting or publishing of any such recording online or in social media is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of IAEM-USA.

A violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of IAEM-USA membership and where applicable, prosecution under the applicable law.