Committee Chair: Lanita A. Lloyd, CEM
Committee Vice Chair: Justin Cox, CEM
Board Liaison:
Sara Ruch, CEM, IAEM-USA Region 3 President
Staff Liaison:
Alex Tyeryar, MA, QAS
IAEM-USA members interested in participating in this committee should email the committee staff liaison and tell them how you can contribute to or learn from this committee's important work.
Since it is the policy and practice of the association to recognize and honor persons and organizations who have made special or significant contributions to the field of emergency management and have represented the profession well by their outstanding performance, the Awards & Recognition Committee will solicit nominations for awards, review nominations, interpret award guidelines, determine eligibility, and assist in the procurement and presentation of awards at the Annual Conference. This in no way precludes IAEM Councils or Regions from establishing their own awards.
The committee meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 11:30 am-12:30 pm Eastern time.
Information about the IAEM Annual Awards Competition is located here.
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