IAEM-USA Critical Infrastructure Consortium

Consortium Co-Lead
Greg Vernon, CEM

Consortium Co-Lead
Ali Lampson, CEM

Board Liaison
Joe Leonard, CEM

Staff Liaison
Chelsea Steadman, MS

The IAEM-USA Critical Infrastructure Consortium is a new innovative initiative to bring together critical infrastructure partners and emergency managers together to collaborate, share best practices, and advance resiliency activities across the critical infrastructure spectrum. This “think tank” style group is housed in IAEM but is available and accessible to all emergency managers. Below you have additional information about the group.

What does the Consortium entail?

The Consortium consists of emergency managers with a focus on critical infrastructure. It will initially meet quarterly in a “blitz-like” format that is only an hour long. The interactive discussion will consist of webinars, Pecha Kucha, Buzz Sessions, and Learn Coffee, among others. The input is a collective group of leaders within and outside IAEM, all coming together to share best practices, build and strengthen relationships, improve IAEM, and make critical infrastructure more resilient. 

2024 Year in Review

How to Participate

To participate in a Consortium event, you must sign up using the link below. Please provide your name, position, agency/organization, and contact information. If you have registered previously, there is no need to sign up again unless you would like to receive the invites at a new email address.

General Sign Up Link - click here!

If you decide to opt out of future participation, please email CriticalInfrastructure@iaem.com to unsubscribe.

Our next meeting will be March 25th, 2025, at 4pm EST. See you there!

Consortium Objectives

  • Support Critical Infrastructure-related IAEM Caucuses in their continued growth and the development and implementation of new Critical Infrastructure Caucuses.
  • Be the coordinating entity for developing, enhancing, and maintaining relationships between IAEM and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).
  • Support the development of relationships and mutual aid agreements between IAEM and the many Critical Infrastructure advocacy groups that support emergency management within their sector.
  • Promote IAEM as the premier coordinating entity for Critical Infrastructure emergency managers by coordinating policy development, sharing best practices through IAEM Connect, and promoting the CEM and AEM Certifications.

Consortium Ground Rules

The security and protection of critical infrastructure are essential. The Consortium’s form is a trust-based environment that fosters coordination and information sharing, but protecting critical infrastructure is of the highest importance. The following points shall be always followed:

  • No sensitive information shall be disclosed during events.
  • Attendees are to follow the rules outlined in IAEM’s Code of Ethics, IAEM’s Code of Conduct, and your agencies/organizations’ ethics policies.
  • Contact information and presentations will not be shared unless approved by that individual.
  • Individuals are to refrain from taking any action that would result in real or perceived preferential treatment for financial gains.