As emergency managers, adapting to change is at the core of what we do. There are efforts underway to shift the federal government's role in disaster management, which many of us welcome. However, the speed of change and the tendency to start with the removal instead of reform creates the potential for a gap in capability due to a disruption of critical programs and services.
While our mission remains the same – to ensure that the communities and organizations we serve are prepared for, able to respond to, and mitigate disasters – the shifting landscape requires coordinated advocacy and action.
IAEM has identified a Key List of potentially influential legislative members who may be able to urge the administration to slow down these changes.
For IAEM members in districts and state identified on the Key List:
Please conduct outreach and provide information and resources to elected representatives, senators, or governors for them to share with the White House. Draft an email to the Staff Contact for the listed leader asking them to contact the president. Download and use this letter template.
Before sending the email, use this Template to create an individualize letter, and attach the Letter to the President template to the email. The ask is for a letter to be sent to the President on this issue using the suggested template.
To ensure we remain coordinated in this effort, please forward any responses to
For IAEM members who do not see their delegation represented, we ask you to engage in the following ways:
Identify Programs at Risk in Your Community – Assess which federal programs your community relies on.
Engage Local & State Leaders & Lawmakers – Advocate for local-, state-, or regionally-funded alternatives to maintain local resilience capabilities currently supported in part or wholly by federal grant programs.
Continue to Share Your Story – Take every opportunity possible to share the value your EM program adds to your community through as many channels as possible. Speak at community meetings, post on your agency’s social media, or even ask to provide an update at your next town meeting.
Share success stories with other IAEM members through IAEM Connect.
Jan. 27: IAEM-USA sent a formal letter to the White House supporting FEMA and the need for national reform. Read the Letter.
Jan. 27: In-Person meeting with the Stafford Act Coalition.
Jan. 27: IAEM members collaborated with the National Association of Counties with joint in-person meetings with White House representatives.
Jan. 31: Virtual meeting with the Acting FEMA Administrator.
Feb. 12: Community & Member Engagement Call to Action for Targeted Advocacy. It includes a guide for getting started. Download the Message and Call to Action.
Local EMs and IAEM members in North Carolina met with the elected representatives who are appointed to the FEMA Review Council.
Jan-Feb.: Multiple media interviews have been completed with Bloomberg News, LA Times, Politico, and E&E News.