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IAEM-USA Region 1 President David M. Muse, Jr., MPA, CEM Assistant Director, Emergency Management UMass Lowell Lowell, Massachusetts
IAEM-USA Region 1 Vice President Chelsea St. George, MS, MPH Senior Emergency Preparedness Manager Mass General Birmingham
IAEM-USA Region 1 Immediate Past President Taylor Frizzell-Colomey, CEM Sr. Security Administrator MIT Lincoln Laboratory
IAEM-USA Region 1 Connecticut State Representative Mary Rose Duberek, CEM Emergency Management Program Specialist University of Connecticut Storrs, CT
Region 1 includes: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
Region 1 Bylaws (approved Nov. 8, 2021)
Members Only: Training Opportunities | Conference Livestream Recordings | Region 1 Board Agendas/Minutes
IAEM-USA Region 1: Lessons from COVID 19 for Future Emergency Responses: A Public Health Perspective (Oct. 12, 2022)
IAEM-USA Region 1: Meet the Candidates (Aug. 14, 2022)
IAEM-USA Region 1: EM Legislative Affairs for Beginners (Aug. 10, 2022)
Region 1 on Facebook | Region 1 on Twitter