NOTE: IAEM member privacy is an IAEM priority. Members may use the IAEM Directory to access regional officer phone numbers and addresses. Search now.
IAEM-USA Region 10 President Kevin Wickersham, CEM Response Section Manager Washington Emergency Management Division Camp Murray, WA
IAEM-USA Region 10 Vice President Billy Anderson., CEM Sr. Emergency Management Specialist Sound Transit Seattle, WA
IAEM-USA Region 10 Secretary/Treasurer Sue Kuwahara, CEM Deputy Director, Emergency Management Sound Transit Tacoma, WA
Region 10 Bylaws (Dec. 7, 2022)
Welcome to IAEM Region 10's Home Page. Region 10 supports the IAEM members in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, and is working to build strong partnerships with the state emergency management associations in the region.
For information about state emergency management Associations, please visit their websites: