USA Council Region 10

NOTE: IAEM member privacy is an IAEM priority. Members may use the IAEM Directory to access regional officer phone numbers and addresses. Search now.

IAEM-USA Region 10 President
Kevin Wickersham, CEM
Response Section Manager
Washington Emergency Management Division
Camp Murray, WA

IAEM-USA Region 10 Vice President
Billy Anderson., CEM
Sr. Emergency Management Specialist
Sound Transit
Seattle, WA

IAEM-USA Region 10 Secretary/Treasurer
Sue Kuwahara, CEM
Deputy Director, Emergency Management
Sound Transit
Tacoma, WA

Region 10 Bylaws (Dec. 7, 2022)

Region 10 LinkedIn Page

Welcome to IAEM Region 10's Home Page. Region 10 supports the IAEM members in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, and is working to build strong partnerships with the state emergency management associations in the region.

Region 10 State Representatives:

  • Alaska State Representative: Katherine "Kate" Janoski
  • Idaho State Representative: Andrew Wilson
  • Oregon State Representative: Jamaal Folsom, CEM
  • Washington State Representative: Lisa Figueroa, CEM.

State Emergency Management Associations in Region 10:

For information about state emergency management Associations, please visit their websites:

  • Alaska – Alaska currently does not have a website for the state emergency management association.
  • Idaho – Idaho currently does not have a website for the state emergency management association.
  • Oregon – Oregon Emergency Management Association (OEMA).
  • Washington – Washington State Emergency Management Association (WSEMA).

Region 10 News

  • IAEM-USA Region 10 Appeal Codes:
    The appeal code for 90 individual members @ 10% discount is 2020AC-Region10
    The appeal code for 20 student members @ 10% discount is 2020AC-Region10ST
  • Results of 2018 IAEM-USA Region 10 Officers Election (05 Sept 2018) The Region 10 election ended at 5:00 p.m. EDT on Aug. 31, 2018. Sarah K. Miller, MPA, CEM, was elected as Region 10 President; Elizabeth King, MEP, MHA, was elected as Region 10 Vice President; and Paul “Crash” Marusich, CEM, was re-elected as Idaho State Representative. A special election will be held after the IAEM Annual Conference to fill any vacant positions.
  • Region 10 Election Results (August 2016)
    • Chandra Fox, CEM, was re-elected as Region 10 President; Sarah Miller, MPA, CEM, was re-elected as Region 10 Vice President; and Elizabeth King, MHA, MEP, was re-elected as Region 10 Secretary.
    • These state representatives were elected:
      • Alaska State Rep: Robert L. Painter, MS, EFO, CEM
      • Idaho State Rep: Paul Marusich, CEM
      • Oregon State Rep: Michael Mumaw, CEM
      • Washington State Rep: Pascal Schuback, CEM
  • Region 10 Update (08 Aug 2016)
    • Sent welcome message to new and returning members
    • Conducted individual outreach to all Regional members explaining the "opt-in" process for receiving Association emails
    • Conducted Regional election for President, Vice-President, Idaho Rep and Washington Rep
    • Conducted candidate search for Regional Secretary
    • Conducted individual outreach to Alaska and Oregon members to find candidates for State Reps
    • Scheduled 2nd election for Regional Secretary, AK Rep and OR Rep (voting currently open)
  • Region 10 Update (21 June 2016) Download regional update sent to Region 10 members via email.
  • Region 10 Update (07 July 2015) The following activities are shared with Region 10 members as an update:
    • Region 10 President Chandra Fox, CEM, spoke at the 10th anniversary celebration of Pierce College’s Center for Excellence in Homeland Security and Emergency Management on June 16, 2015.
    • Planning has started for a Region 10 meeting to be held on Sept. 21, 2015, in conjunction with the combined conference of the Oregon and Washington state EM associations.
  • Region 10 Election Results (17 Sept 2014) The IAEM-USA Region 10 Officers Election ended on Sept. 15, 2014. The official transition to the new leadership will take place at the IAEM 2014 Annual Conference & EMEX in November. Elected as Region 10 officers are: Chandra Fox, CEM, President; Sarah Miller, MPA, CEM, Vice President; and Elizabeth King, MHA, MEP, Secretary/Treasurer. Elected as Region 10 representatives are: Ron Schwartz, Alaska; Joe Lombardo, Idaho; Krista Dillon, Oregon; Pascal Schuback, CEM, Washington; Robert Martin, Military Representative; and Morgan Gonzalez, Student Representative.