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IAEM-USA Region 7 Vice President Claire Canaan Assistant Director, Community Preparedness Johnson County, KS
Nebraska Representative Molly Bargmann Director, Federal Recovery AC Disaster Consulting
Region 7 includes: Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska.
Region 7 Bylaws (13 March 2024)
December 2024
Region 7 Representation at 2018 State Association Meetings
L-R: Paul Taylor, FEMA Region 7 administrator; Dan Robeson, IAEM-USA Region 7 president; Teri Smith, IAEM-USA Second VP; and Keith Haberer, KEMA president, at Kansas Emergency Management Association Conference, Sept. 13, 2018.
Results of 2017 Region 7 Officers Election (14 July 2017) Individual, Affiliate, and Lifetime IAEM-USA Region 7 voted in the election for Region 7 President and Vice President, which ended on July 14, 2017, 5:00 p.m. EDT. Dan Robeson, CEM, was elected President, and Rick Shellenbarger, MPA, CEM, was elected Vice President. These officers will begin their term at the IAEM 2017 Annual Conference.
Results of IAEM-USA Region 7 Officers Election (10 Aug 2015) The 2015 IAEM-USA Region 7 officers election ended on Friday, Aug. 7, 2015. Teri Smith, CEM, CPM, was re-elected as Region 7 President, and Les Boatright, CEM, MEP, MBCP, was elected as Region 7 Vice President. Thanks to all who voted in this election. The Region 7 officer contact information at the top of this page will be updated after the IAEM Annual Conference, where regional officers are sworn in.
Goals and Accomplishments of Region 7: Teri Smith, CEM, IAEM-USA Region 7 President and Paul Johnson, IAEM-USA Region 7 Vice President have been working together to ensure that we are communicating with the region about emergency management issues and opportunities and the challenges we are facing. We would like to share with you the areas we pledged to focus on and the accomplishments we have achieved within our region that include:
MIke Selves and Terri Smith promoting IAEM at the 2012 Kansas Emergency Management Association Conference.