USA Council Region 7

NOTE: IAEM member privacy is an IAEM priority. Members may use the IAEM Directory to access regional officer phone numbers and addresses. Search now.

IAEM-USA Region 7 President
Randy Pommenville, CEM
Emergency Management Specialist
University of Kansas Medical Center (KS)

IAEM-USA Region 7 Vice President
Claire Canaan

Assistant Director, Community Preparedness
Johnson County, KS

IAEM-USA Region 7 Secretary/Treasurer
Ryan Nicholls MS, CEM, MBCP

Assistant Director, Emergency Management
Washington University in St. Louis
St. Louis, MO
Iowa Representative
Jodi Freet, Iowa-CEM, MA, MAEM

Director, Emergency Management
Cedar County Emergency Management/911
Kansas Representative
Susan McMahan, CEM

Emergency Preparedness Manager
City of Lenexa (KS)
Missouri Representative
Melissa Evans, CEM

Senior Communications and Community Engagement Program Manager
Washington University in St. Louis Emergency Management

Nebraska Representative
Molly Bargmann

Director, Federal Recovery
AC Disaster Consulting

Region 7 includes: Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska.

Region 7 Bylaws (13 March 2024)


IAEM-USA Region 7 Leadership Minutes/Updates (Members-Only)

December 2024


IAEM-USA Region 7 Updates

IAEM-USA Region 7 News

Region 7 Representation at 2018 State Association Meetings

L-R: Paul Taylor, FEMA Region 7 administrator; Dan Robeson, IAEM-USA
Region 7 president; Teri Smith, IAEM-USA Second VP; and Keith Haberer,
KEMA president, at Kansas Emergency Management Association
Conference, Sept. 13, 2018.

Results of 2017 Region 7 Officers Election (14 July 2017) Individual, Affiliate, and Lifetime IAEM-USA Region 7 voted in the election for Region 7 President and Vice President, which ended on July 14, 2017, 5:00 p.m. EDT. Dan Robeson, CEM, was elected President, and Rick Shellenbarger, MPA, CEM, was elected Vice President. These officers will begin their term at the IAEM 2017 Annual Conference.

Results of IAEM-USA Region 7 Officers Election (10 Aug 2015) The 2015 IAEM-USA Region 7 officers election ended on Friday, Aug. 7, 2015. Teri Smith, CEM, CPM, was re-elected as Region 7 President, and Les Boatright, CEM, MEP, MBCP, was elected as Region 7 Vice President. Thanks to all who voted in this election. The Region 7 officer contact information at the top of this page will be updated after the IAEM Annual Conference, where regional officers are sworn in.

Goals and Accomplishments of Region 7:
Teri Smith, CEM, IAEM-USA Region 7 President and Paul Johnson, IAEM-USA Region 7 Vice President have been working together to ensure that we are communicating with the region about emergency management issues and opportunities and the challenges we are facing. We would like to share with you the areas we pledged to focus on and the accomplishments we have achieved within our region that include:

  • Increase membership: We challenged all of you to help Region 7 grow its membership and you have. There are now 178 members in our region, which is an increase of 7% in six months. Let's keep it growing!
  • Maintain communications: It is important that you as members are kept informed on relevant topics that impact us as an organization. We have shared with you articles of interest, emergency management issues, and pertinent IAEM related topics. Additionally, we have shared information that has been provided to us by you as members that are of significance to the membership.
  • Partner and work together: IAEM Region 7 was represented at all of the state emergency management association conferences held in our Region this year, and we have reached out to other organizations to continue building important coalitions to promote emergency management and public safety throughout our region. Planning is in progress for our region to be involved with the Region 7 LEPC Conference in Kansas City in July 2013. In addition, IAEM-USA Region 7 members have become more active participants by accepting positions on committees expanding our representation in IAEM.

MIke Selves and Terri Smith promoting IAEM at the 2012 Kansas
Emergency Management Association Conference.