IAEM-USA Training Caucus

Committee Chair:
Lenora Borchardt, CEM

Committee Vice Chair:
Bethany Elliott

Board Liaison:
David Muse, CEM, IAEM-USA Region 1 President, USARegion1President@iaem.com

Staff Liaison:
Chelsea Steadman, Chelsea@iaem.com

IAEM-USA members interested in participating in this committee should email the committee staff liaison and tell them how you can contribute to or learn from this committee's important work.

Members Only: Meetings and Meeting Records | Training Caucus Documents
Committee meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 1:30-3:00 p.m. ET.

Group Policy

Policy Guidelines

Purpose Statement

The IAEM-USA Training & Education Committee is charged by the IAEM-USA Board of Directors to analyze the training and educational needs of our profession; participate in the development and improvement of training and education programs to advance emergency management professional standards; work in collaboration with learning institutions, community partners and subject matter experts to develop opportunities for advanced learning and leadership training; and serve as a clearinghouse for information on educational technologies, programs and resources at the local, state and federal levels of emergency management.

New Initiative

Develop a baseline set of recommendations on standards for Emergency Management Bachelor’s Degree Programs for the IAEM-USA Board of Directors.

Ongoing Initiatives

Research to Practice: Fact Sheets for Emergency Managers - The IAEM-USA Training & Education Committee identified a need to review selected research and make it more easily available to emergency management practitioners. As a result, fact sheets are being created highlighting research projects with key take-a-way elements that local emergency managers may be able to use within their own communities. IAEM members and partners may create a fact sheet following a simple four-step process to include on the IAEM website. Learn more and participate in the Research to Practice Fact Sheet section of the IAEM website.

Successful Workforce Development Practices Work Group will enhance the IAEM Internship Guide for Employers to reflect both in-person and virtual internships. The enhanced Guidelines will include ideas to foster and encourage internships, which give students real-world experience in addition to developing or refining their writing, public speaking and critical thinking skills and help practitioners ensure their organization’s needs are met.

  • Collaborate with the Higher Education Community of Practice to develop internship guidance for Higher Education programs.
  • Participate in the Emergency Management Institute Higher Education Program – Jobs Internships Special Interest Group.
  • Identify and recommend placement of Workforce Development information on IAEM web site to include survey report; listing of available internships; and best practices with resource materials regarding internships, mentoring, and knowledge transfer.
  • Maintain a list of emergency management higher education programs that require internships/practicums so that practitioners seeking interns may easily identify points of contact.
  • Collect and integrate internship “best practices” narratives from higher education program partners and practitioners.
  • Sponsor a repository of internship job descriptions to support practitioners’ efficient solicitation and integration of interns.

Creating Synergy between Training and Education seeks to define the role of training and education, identify current opportunities, and remove challenges impacting their combined interaction thereby creating an enhanced effect on future training and education as it relates to emergency management.

Leadership Symposium strives to deliver elevated emergency management content utilizing high-level interactive discussions led by experienced educators to our membership. The symposium is co-sponsored by the Training & Education Committee and the Conference Committee and conducted annually as part of the IAEM Annual Conference & EMEX.

The Poster Showcase Working Group helps support the IAEM Poster Showcase. The Poster Showcase is an opportunity for all members to showcase their knowledge or findings gained through research or experience. Participants may enter in one of two divisions, Competitive or Non-Competitive. Competitive entrants may select to enter in one of three categories – Student (Undergraduate or Graduate), Academic, or Practitioner. All participants in the Competitive Division will present their poster to a group of evaluators who will determine if the participants satisfied the requirements of a gold, silver or bronze standard. Participants who are chosen to display their posters will receive certificates of participation that document credit towards the IAEM Certification Program under Professional Contributions.

Theory to Practice is focused on developing a process to translate academic theory into practical information via shorter articles or executive summaries for review and application by practitioners. The goal is to bridge the gap between academia and practitioners by realizing academic research into day-to-day emergency management operations.

Higher Education Consortium works with EMI to strengthen collaboration amongst educators and serves as a liaison to the EMI Higher Education Symposium Committee.

Monthly Training Highlights are brief articles on new or upcoming training and education programs or classes for all segments of emergency management. Look for informative articles in the IAEM Training & Education Corner in the IAEM Bulletin.

  • The Training and Education Committee recently reviewed the submission guidelines to receive feedback for the IAEM Dispatch and IAEM Bulletin.

National Emergency Management Training & Education

  • National Preparedness Directorate National Training and Education
    The National Preparedness Directorate (NPD) online Course Catalog describes courses provided or managed by FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP), Emergency Management Institute (EMI), and National Training and Education Division (NTED).
  • Emergency Management Higher Education Program
    The Higher Education Program works to encourage and support the propagation of disaster and emergency management related information in colleges and universities throughout the nation.
  • Competencies for Emergency Management
    Competencies for Emergency Management were established by the U.S. FEMA Emergency Management Institute, including levels for foundations, specialized, executive managerial, and strategic leadership.

IAEM Annual Conference Posters

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