IAEM-USA Healthcare Caucus


Chair: Kristen N. Kolleda, CEM, healthcare@iaem.com

Vice Chair: Dennis (DJ) Phalen, healthcare@iaem.com

Vice Chair: DAvid Blacksberg, healthcare@iaem.com

Board Liaison: Randy Pommenville, CEM, IAEM-USA Region 7 President, USARegion7President@iaem.com

Staff Liaison: Terry Lightheart-Sadler, CEM, terry@iaem.com

IAEM-USA members interested in participating in this caucus should email the caucus staff liaison to join. 

Purpose Statement | Concept of Operations | Standing Goals | Meeting Schedule | Membership Policy
Membership |  Listserve | Symposium | News & Webinar Archive

Group Policy


Purpose Statement

The mission of the Healthcare Caucus is to represent emergency management issues unique to healthcare. The purpose of the caucus is to provide emergency managers within the healthcare arena a voice on a national and international scale to ensure their needs are being addressed by government and industry officials. (from the 7/23 Policy Guidelines)

Healthcare Caucus Concept of Operations

  • Host alternating, monthly membership and leadership information sharing sessions for HCC members on the topic of Healthcare Emergency Management. These meeting are held via conference call throughout the year and in-person at the IAEM Annual Conference.
  • Regional Representatives and HCC liaisons to other IAEM Committees and Caucus provide a link between activities in the different emergency management sector missions and provide information about HCC capabilities, subject matter information and projects.
  • If you wish to join the IAEM-USA Healthcare Caucus, please visit our Google Group.
  • If you have questions about joining, please email Healthcare@iaem.com

Standing Goals (from the 7/23 Policy Guidelines)

In addition to the annual goals and priorities established at the IAEM-USA Annual Conference, the Caucus will always address the following standing goals:

  • Goal #1: To promote the importance of developing organized, comprehensive, all-hazard and integrative emergency management at all levels within healthcare.
  • Goal #2: To facilitate networking, communication and best-practice sharing between healthcare emergency management practitioners.
  • Goal #3: To promote the inclusion of healthcare emergency management practitioners in the multi-jurisdictional, multi-disciplined and multi-hazard emergency planning conducted at the facility, local, regional, state and federal levels.
  • Goal #4: To facilitate awareness of current legislative and planning issues in emergency management and interpretation of their effects on healthcare.
  • Goal #5: To promote professionalism and professional development of healthcare emergency management practitioners and/or programs.

IAEM Healthcare Caucus 2025 Meeting Schedule

The Healthcare Caucus holds a general membership meeting from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. ET every other month on the following dates:

January 31, 2025
March 28, 2025
May 23, 2025
July 25, 2025
September 26, 2025
November 2025 - TBD - This meeting will be held at the annual IAEM Conference in Louisville, KY and will be announced on the conference schedule.

To add these meetings to your calendar, please email healthcare@iaem.com and a Microsoft Teams invite will be sent to you.

Membership Policy

To be an official member of the IAEM-USA Healthcare Caucus, as reported to the IAEM-USA Board, an individual must:

  • Be a member of IAEM in good standing.
  • Have attended at least one caucus meeting within the last year.


An IAEM-USA member in good standing shall become a member of the group through the method established by teh IAEM-USA Administrative Policies and Procedures (APPS) and shall remain a member of the group perpetually, while eligibility requirements continue to be met, or until such time that the member indicates their desire to end membership in the group. All members who meet these eligibility requirements are Voting Members.

IAEM Healthcare Google Group List Serve

The IAEM Healthcare Google Group is open to anyone working in or affiliated with healthcare emergency management. Vendors, with the intent of selling to this group are prohibited, which allows the list serve to be a forum for best practice sharing within healthcare emergency management practitioners. To join the IAEM Healthcare Google Group, start here: https://groups.google.com/u/o/g/iaem-healthcare.

IAEM-USA Healthcare Caucus Symposium


IAEM Annual Conference Caucus Posters