IAEM-USA Uniformed Services Caucus

Caucus Chair
Gloria Walski, CEM

Vice-Chair: Michael Baddley, CEM
Vice-Chair: Victoria 'Vicki' Wells

Board Liaison
Drew Pearson, IAEM-USA Region 4 President

Staff Liaison
Alex Tyeryar, alex@iaem.com

IAEM-USA members interested in participating in this caucus should email the caucus staff liaison and tell them how you can contribute to or learn from this committee's important work.

Group Policy

Policy Guidelines

Caucus Purpose Statement

The purpose of the IAEM-USA Uniformed Services Caucus is to provide a forum for collaboration, information sharing, and professional development of emergency management professionals within the seven United States Uniformed Services. The Uniformed Services Caucus supports the Emergency Management principles, as well as the mission of IAEM, through increased understanding of the coordination between civilian agencies and the Uniformed Services in carrying out emergency management activities within the United States and abroad.

The goals and priorities of the Uniformed Services Caucus are to:

  • Foster mentorship and professional development;
  • Enhance communication and sharing of best-practices;
  • Advocate to IAEM-USA leadership for Emergency Management issues within the Uniformed Services;
  • Coordinate recognition by IAEM-USA for excellence in the Emergency Management fields of the Uniformed Services;
  • Increase interest, visibility, and affiliation with IAEM-USA among the members of the Uniformed Services; and,
  • Promote the pursuit of the Certified Emergency Manager certification by members of the Uniformed Services.

Caucus Documents

Caucus Meeting Minutes

Caucus Webinars

Recording of Apr. 13, 2016, IAEM-USA Uniformed Services Caucus Webinar:
"CEM®/AEM® Certification for Members of the Military"

Presenter: Commander Heather Kostecki, USCG, CEM, military representative on the North American CEM® Application Review Commission.
About the webinar: This webinar provided information about the AEM®/CEM® process to members of the military and demonstrated the importance of emergency management certification for the profession. This webinar was open to the public.

IAEM Annual Conference Posters

AEM® and CEM® are registered trademarks of the International Association of Emergency Managers.