Nominations and Credentials

IAEM-USA Nominations and Credentials Committee

Committee Chair
Robie Robinson, CEM, IAEM-Global Board Chair, GlobalChair@iaem.com

Board Liaison
Josh Morton, MPA, CEM, SCCEM
IAEM-USA Treasurer

Staff Liaison:

Travis Cryan, travis@iaem.com

IAEM-USA members interested in participating in this committee should email the committee staff liaison and tell them how you can contribute to or learn from this committee's important work. 

Purpose Statement

To ensure an open and inclusive process to certify dedicated, professional nominees for service in IAEM, at a leadership level.


To advance the mission of IAEM by ensuring the nominations and credentialing of members for elections of officers are conducted in a professional manner.


  • Promote and encourage active participation of dedicated IAEM members to serve at the national, leadership level.
  • Promote and issue a call for nominations, nominations for election to the post of 2nd Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
  • Identify, recruit, and certify a properly selected slate of qualified candidates, who have been veted for professional abilities and qualifications
  • Conduct elections in accordance with Robert’s Rule of Order, the IAEM USA By-Laws, and the IAEM USA Administrative Policies and Procedures.

Key Results

  • Organizational Development: Identify and present the most qualified candidate(s) for each available position to the membership prior to the IAEM-USA Annual Conference.
  • The Nominating Committee is guided by the principle of selecting the best nominee, based upon their professional abilities and qualifications and a strong commitment to diversity. These nominees will be placed on the ballot and presented to the general members for balloted vote of confidence.
  • The Nominating Committee will develop a nominations strategy, identifying the process and timeline, and specific criteria.


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