The International Association of Emergency Managers Scholarship Program was established to nurture, promote and develop disaster preparedness and resilience by furthering the education of students studying the field of emergency management.
The ultimate mission of the program is to assist the profession by identifying and developing students with the intellect and technical skills that can advance and enhance emergency management.
Through donations from individuals, companies and organizations, IAEM's goal is to raise $1,000,000 to fund scholarship awards to undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in an accredited college program, pursuing a degree that includes courses in emergency management/community planning (most often as part of a program in public or business administration). For each principal amount of approximately $30,000, IAEM should be able to provide a student with a scholarship of $2,000.
The emergency management profession's greatest future asset is people of high-level intellect and commitment. The IAEM Scholarship Program seeks to identify, secure and encourage the commitment of these invaluable human resources of the future, by providing assistance through scholarship awards.
Maybe for your local community. The International Association of Emergency Managers works with college educators to identify potential scholarship recipients and promotes the employment of qualified professional emergency managers.
Scholarships will be awarded by the IAEM Scholarship Selection Committee to undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in an accredited college program, pursuing a degree that includes courses in emergency management/community planning (most often as part of a program in public or business administration). Scholarship applicants will complete an application form for review and approval. Each applicant will be required to briefly write of his/her professional aspirations.
Your donation will help to fund scholarships through interest monies drawn from a principal fund of donations. Ultimately, you will be actively contributing to the profession's ability to better prepare for emergencies in the future.
Yes, your donation to the IAEM Scholarship Program is tax deductible as a charitable contribution to the extent permitted by law. IAEM is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Tax Code, IAEM Federal ID #31-6050147.
For more information, e-mail
Student applicants will be notified by the end of August regarding their scholarship application award status. Once all applicants have been notified, a press release will be issued to notify others and may be used by the awardees to notify their local press. Awardees are invited to attend the IAEM-USA Annual Conference & EMEX to receive recognition. Free registration is provided to the scholarship awardees for the conference.