Visa Letters

Visa Letters

IAEM is only able to issue visa support letters for the IAEM 73rd Annual Conference & EMEX in Louisville, KY to the following:

  • Speakers who are selected to present,
  • Exhibitors who have paid in full for their booth, and/or
  • Sponsors who have paid in full for the sponsorship.

Please note that exhibit and sponsorship fees will not be refunded in the case of a visa not being obtained or denied.

Under no circumstances is IAEM able to issue visa letters to attendees of the annual conference.

Contact Us

IAEM Headquarters

201 Park Washington Ct,
Falls Church, VA 22046

Dates and Locations

Dates and Locations of Future IAEM Annual Conferences:

Nov. 14 – 20, 2025*
 Louisville, KY

 Nov. 13 – 18, 2026*
 Long Beach, CA

 Nov. 12 – 18, 2027*
Colorado Springs, CO

 Nov. 10 – 16, 2028*
Savannah, GA

*The core program dates are Sunday-Wednesday, with additional Friday-Saturday and Thursday-Friday pre- and post-conference training and other options.

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