Jono Anzalone, MS, CEM, Div. Disaster Executive, Disaster Cycle Svcs., American Red Cross
Jeffrey Bryant, MA, Dir., Div. of Emer. Ops., Ofc. of Public Health Preparedness and Response, CDC
Jane Cage, Managing Principal, InsightFive22
Brent Cox, Ass't. Prof., Dept. of Disaster Preparedness and Emer. Mgt., Arkansas State Univ.
Wayne Crawford, Executive Dir., Missouri Inclusive Housing Development Corporation
Vicky Davidson, M.Ed., Exec. Dir., Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council
Kathryn Gerk, CEM, Emer. Svcs. Mgr., Ofc. of Emer. Svcs., Richmond Fire Dept.
Sharon Hawa, Mgr., Emer. Preparedness & Response, NCMEC
Sherri Harris, MPH, Program Specialist, Ofc. of Trafficking in Persons, U. S. Dept. of HHS
Pam Hobbs, CEM, Mission Assurance & Emer. Mgt. Programs, Mission Assurance, Engineering Solutions Inc
Rocky Lopes, Ph.D., Tsunami Program Deputy, Analyze, Forecast, and Support Ofc., NWS
Jolene Meidinger, Presidential Transition Team, Ofc. of the Administrator, NASA
Scott Minarcine, MA, Dir. of Ops., Public Health Emer. Preparedness Program, Georgia Dept. of Public Health
JoAnne Moreau, CEM, LEM, Dir., Homeland Security and Emer. Preparedness, East Baton Rouge Parish Mayor's Ofc.
Brian Nestler, AEM, Treasurer and Marketing Coordinator, IAEM-Global Student Council
Ryan Pedigo, Dir., Public Health Preparedness, Florida Dept. of Health
Brenda Phillips, Ph.D., Associate Dean and Prof. of Sociology, Ohio Univ. Chillicothe
Marcie Roth, Dir., Ofc. of Disability Integration &Coordination, FEMA
Susamma Seeley, CEM, MPA, Chairperson, IAEM-USA Conference Committee
Chayne Sparagowski, Emergency Manager
Farryl Sverd, MA, Supervisor, Missing Children Div., NCMEC
Vance Taylor, Chief, Ofc. of Access & Functional Needs, California Governors Ofc. of Emer. Svcs.


Alex Amparo, MBA, Ass’t. Administrator, Recovery Directorate, FEMA
Michael Antonucci  Emer. Svcs. Mgr., Fire/Ofc. of Emer. Svcs., San Bernardino Co., CA
Joshua Batkin, MA, Dir., Office of External Affairs, FEMA
Wayne Bergeron, MA, Ass't Prof. of Criminal Justice, Security & Emer. Mgt., Univ. of North Alabama
Amy Binning, Emergency Mgt. Coordinator, Albany County Gov't, WY
Matt Brown, Homeland Security Intelligence Coordinator, Harbor Police Dept., Unified Port of San Diego
Michael Brown, President, Executive, One World One Way, Inc.
Drew Bumbak, Chair, IAEM-USA Children in Disasters Caucus
Greg Burel, Dir., Div. of Strategic National Stockpile, CDC
Rebecca Cahill, CEM Emer. Mgt. Consultant, Emer. Mgt., Randstad and Boston Children’s Hosp.
Michelle Carestia, MBA, Program Coordinator, Emer. Mgt., Boston Children's Hosp.
James Coker, MA, Director, Jefferson Co. Emer. Mgt. Agency
LTC Michelle Colacicco-Mayhugh, Ass't. Product Mgr., Medical Countermeasure Systems, DoD
Marcus Coleman, Jr., Special Ass't., Center for Faith-based & Neighborhood Partnerships, DHS
Joel Conger, MBA, Director, Sr. Director of Business Development and Innovation, Crisis Response Network (CRN)
Brent Cox, Ass’t. Prof., Dept. of Disaster Preparedness and Emer. Mgt., Arkansas State Univ.
Brian Cox, MBA, Associate Partner, Global Business Svcs./Digital Public Svcs. Line, IBM
Amy Danzl, Deputy Dir., City of Boulder and Boulder Co., Boulder Ofc. of Emer. Mgt.
Bill DelGrosso, Lecturer - Emer. Mgt., Integrated Emer. Mgt. Faculty, Rabdan Academy
Marcus Deyerin, CEM, MEP, Training and Exercise Coordinator, King Co. Ofc. of Emer. Mgt.
Carina Elsenboss, Preparedness Dir., Public Health, King Co.
Chuck Feinberg, Chairman and DOE Coordinator, New Jersey Clean Cities Coalition
David Flamm, CEM, Deputy Dir., Ofc. of Emer. Svcs., Co. of Santa Clara
Mary Jo Flynn, CEM, Emer. Operations Coordinator, Emer. Svcs., Sacramento Co. OES
Susan Gantt, Vice President, Architects Design Group
Erik Gaull, CEM, Co-Dir., IMAAC Outreach Program, Interagency Modeling and Atmospheric Assessment Ctr.
Michael Gerber, Meteorologist, Ofc. of Dissemination/Dissemination Systems Team, NOAA/NWS
Michael Grimm, MS, Ass't Administrator, Mitigation, FEMA
Alisha Griswold, CEM, Program Mgr., Ofc. of Emer. Mgt., King Co.
Kim Guevara-Harris, Managing Principal, Mozaik Solutions
Daniel Hahn, MBA, CEM, Plans Chief, Santa Rosa Co. Emer. Mgt.
Carolyn Harshman, MPA, CEM, President, IAEM-USA Region 9
Joel Hendrix, MA, Chief, Readiness & Contingency Operations, South Atlantic Division, USACE
Michael Herman, Senior Mgr., Insurance & Federal Claims Svcs., Ernst & Young
Jody Hodge, Emer. Mgt. Ofc., Jefferson Co. Emer. Mgt. Agency
Doug Hoell, EMAC Advisor, Emer. Mgt. Assistance Compact, Nat'l. Emer. Mgt. Assoc.
Terri Howard, Senior Dir., Crisis Mgt., FEI Behavioral Health
Andrea Jackman, Ph.D., Managing Consultant, IBM Analytics
Matt Jadacki, Executive Dir., Disaster Mgt. Svcs., Ernst & Young
Jessica Jensen, Ph.D., Associate Prof., Dept. of Emer. Mgt., North Dakota State Univ.
Dennis Jones, CEM, Interim Dir., Chatham Emer. Mgt. Agency, Chatham Co.
Eric Kant, CEO/Founder, Homeland Security, Kant Consulting Group
Robert Lang, MS, Cyber Security Mgr., Washington State Emergency Mgt. Div.
Christian Lanphere, Ph.D., CEM, Chair, IAEM CEM Commission
Jeffrey Leifel, CEM, MEP, EMR, EM Specialist Project Mgr., National Security Program, DOE/ORAU
Scott Lewis, CEM, Emer. Mgr., Pathfinders Task Force
Helen Lowman, Dir., Individual and Community Preparedness Div., FEMA
Donald Lumpkins, JD, MPA, Dir., NIC, FEMA
Honorable Timothy Manning, Deputy Administrator, Protection & National Preparedness, FEMA
Savannah Martin, Sr. Emer. Mgt. Specialist, Ofc. of Emer. Mgt., City of Garland
Caitlin McCarthy Clarke, Branch Chief, NIC, FEMA
Sarah Miller, CEM, MPA, Consultant, S.K. Miller Consulting
Gregory Nichols, MPH, CPH, Program Mgr., Nanotechnology Studies Program, Health, Energy, and Environment Program, DOE/ORAU
Honorable Joseph Nimmich, MBA, Deputy Administrator, FEMA
Jordan Pascoe, Ass't. Prof., Philosophy, Manhattan College
David Peterson, Emergency Management, Savannah District USACE
Cassie Powers, Program Manager, National Association of State Energy Officials
Amy Ramirez, CEM, Lead Emer. Planner, Div. of Emer. Svcs., San Francisco Dept. of Emer. Mgt.
Frank Randon, MS, Program Manager, CECO-GO, USACE
Mollie Rivas, CEM, Emer. Mgt. Coordinator, Ofc. of Emer. Mgt., City of Garland
Tony Robinson, Administrator, FEMA Region VI
Mark Roupas, Deputy Dir. Homeland Security, Directorate of Contingency Operations, USACE
Mary Schoenfeldt, Ph.D., Emer. Mgr., Outreach, Green Cross Academy of Traumatology
Susamma Seeley, MPA, CEM, Chairperson, , IAEM-USA Conference Committee
Edie Schaffer, JD, CEM, Emer. Planner, Div. of Emer. Svcs., San Francisco Dept. of Emer. Mgt.
Daryl Lee Spiewak, CEM, CFM, Lead Instructor, CEM Commission
Jeffrey Stern, Ph.D., CEM, State Coordinator, Virginia Dept. of Emer. Mgt.
Lauren Stienstra, Deputy Coordinator, Ofc. of Emer. Mgt., Arlington Co. Gov't.
Hilary Stockdon, Ph.D., MA, Research Oceanographer, St. Petersburg Coastal & Marine Science Center, USGS
Mitch Stripling, Ass't. Commissioner, Agency Preparedness and Response, Ofc. of Emer. Preparedness and Response, NYC Dept. of Health
Anna Stull, Emer. Mgt. Specialist, Natural Hazard Mission Area, USGS
Gracia Szczech, CEM, MEP, Administrator, FEMA Region IV
Vance Taylor, Chief, Ofc. of Access & Functional Needs, California Governors, Ofc. of Emer. Svcs
MaryAnn Tierney, Administrator, FEMA Region III
Walter Topp, OCEM, Administrator, Public Safety and Justice Svcs., Cuyahoga Co. Ofc. of Emer. Mgt.
Keith Turi, Deputy Assistant Administrator Recovery Directorate, FEMA
Louis Uccellini, Ph.D., Director, NWS
Wade Witmer, Deputy Div. Dir., IPAWS, FEMA
Contact Us

IAEM Headquarters

201 Park Washington Ct,
Falls Church, VA 22046

Dates and Locations

Dates and Locations of Future IAEM Annual Conferences:

Nov. 14 – 20, 2025*
 Louisville, KY

 Nov. 13 – 18, 2026*
 Long Beach, CA

 Nov. 12 – 18, 2027*
Colorado Springs, CO

 Nov. 10 – 16, 2028*
Savannah, GA

*The core program dates are Sunday-Wednesday, with additional Friday-Saturday and Thursday-Friday pre- and post-conference training and other options.

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