Building a Dynamic Program Just for You. 

Here are the plenary speakers we have locked in for the 2020 IAEM Reimagined Conference. 

Pete Gaynor

Administrator, Federal Emergency Management Agency


Brian M. Harrell

Vice President and Chief Security Officer (CSO) at AVANGRID

Bio and Presentation

Mark Keim

CEO, DisasterDoc LLC; Assoc. Prof. at Emory Univ., Rollins School of Public Health; Faculty, BIDMC, Disaster Medicine Fellowship, Harvard School of Medicine

Bio and Presentation

Lori Peek, Ph.D.

Prof., Dept. of Sociology and Director, Natural Harzards Center at Univ. of Colorado Boulder

Bio and Presentation

Global Walmart Emergency Management Team


Andrea Davis

Senior Director, Global Emergency Management, Walmart Corporation


Brandon Ivy

Director of Enterprise Business Continuity, Walmart Corporation


Lucas McDonald

Director of Emergency Operations, Walmart Corporation


Faith Newton

Sr. Manager of Emergency Preparedness, Walmart Corporation

Contact Us

IAEM Headquarters

201 Park Washington Ct,
Falls Church, VA 22046

Dates and Locations

Dates and Locations of Future IAEM Annual Conferences:

Nov. 14 – 20, 2025*
 Louisville, KY

 Nov. 13 – 18, 2026*
 Long Beach, CA

 Nov. 12 – 18, 2027*
Colorado Springs, CO

 Nov. 10 – 16, 2028*
Savannah, GA

*The core program dates are Sunday-Wednesday, with additional Friday-Saturday and Thursday-Friday pre- and post-conference training and other options.

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