Obtaining a U.S. Visa

Visas can take up to four months – do not delay! 

If you’re a citizen of a foreign country, in most cases you’ll need a visa to enter the United States. Visa applications now require face-to-face interviews at the embassy or consulate in your country, digital fingerprints, and more involved personal data as part of the process. These rules are time-consuming.

Information to obtain a U.S. Visa to attend the IAEM-USA Annual Conference can be found on the U.S. Department of State website here.

To accompany your application to obtain a U.S. Visa, download the sample Invitation Letter to Your Supervisor that you can customize to help build your case for attending.

Download Invitation Letter

Contact Us
For any questions contact the IAEM Conference Director, Julie Husk at jhusk@iaem.com or 703-538-1795 x 1789.
201 Park Washington Ct,
Falls Church, VA 22046
Dates and Locations

Dates and Locations of Future IAEM Annual Conferences:

 Nov. 15 – 21, 2024*
 Colorado Springs, CO

Nov. 14 – 20, 2025*
 Louisville, KY

*The core program dates are Sunday-Wednesday, with additional Friday-Saturday and Thursday-Friday pre- and post-conference training and other options.

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