IAEM Scholarship Program Fundraising Events


IAEM Scholarship Program host several events at the IAEM Annual Conference. Your participation helps provide scholarships to students working towards degrees in emergency management, disaster management, or closely related fields of study. To date, the IAEM Scholarship Program has provided $195,250 in scholarships to 82 students.



2024 IAEM Scholarship Annual Online Auction

Bid On More than 150 Items 

Visit BetterWorld to participate in our annual event open to all – members, non-members, friends, conference attendees, and non-attendees.

You will be prompted to create your account when you make your first bid. Participants may preview the items online or in person at the Auction Booth in the IAEM registration area of The Broadmoor Convention Center.

Please use the Online Item Donation Form to donate items online for the auction. Donations of items will continue to be accepted onsite as in the past, but using the form and uploading a picture of your donation now and then bringing the item to the event will simplify the process.

Things to Know

  • The auction is a secure portal. Your information is not shared. 
  • Items will continue to be added to the online auction. So, keep checking back. 
  • Online Auction Bidding will end at 12:30 p.m. MST, Wednesday, Nov. 20. If you are present at the conference, you should pick up the items between 1:00 – 2:30 pm MST.
  • If you are not present or if you do not pick up your items by 2:30 p.m., the items you win will be shipped to you. There will be an added shipping and handling charge as noted in the auction portal. Charges for each item are listed in the fulfillment section on each item page.
  • Please note that when you bid, you will be asked to cover credit card charges and also make a donation (percentage of the selling price) to Better World. This donation helps keep the platform free for non-profit fundraising. It is voluntary. You can always click the question marks (?) in the bidding process to delete or set a lower amount for these fees. IAEM appreciates the free services of Better World and thanks those who help by donating to help pay for this service.
  • Visit the Auction!


IAEM 2024 Annual Conference In-Person Auction

There will not be a live auction this year. That does not mean the fun will end! IAEM is holding a special online auction ONLY for those attending the conference. The IAEM 2024 Annual Conference In-Person Auction is open now on BetterWorld, and will close at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 19. 

If you always bring a beverage for the auction. This auction will be for your items.

Things to Know

  • You must be present at the Annual Conference bid in this auction.
  • You may pick up your items immediately after the auction closes. Items MUST be picked up by 9:00 a.m., Wednesday, Nov 20, or they will be offered tot he second bidder.
  • Donations of items for the Special Auction will be accepted until 4:00 pm MST, Monday, Nov. 18. 
  • Follow the instructions above under the Online Auction to set up your account and bid.
  • Visit the Auction!


IAEM Basket Bonanza

The IAEM Basket Bonanza is a raffle of themed baskets created by IAEM Councils, Regions, Student Chapters, Caucuses, and other groups. 

The event opens on Monday, Nov. 18, at 7:00 am MST. All baskets will be drawn at 12:45 pm MST on Wednesday, Nov. 20.

Winners of baskets will be notified by cell phone. Winners must pick up the basket the day it is drawn, or another winning ticket will be selected. Winners are responsible for any packing and shipping of winning baskets. Ticket prices are: 5 for $5; 12 for $10; 20 for $15; 30 for $20; 40 for $25; 50 for $30; 75 for $40; 100 for $50; 150 for $75; 215 for $100; 320 for $150; and 400 for $200. Stop by the Basket Bonanza booth in the convention center to purchase yours tickets. Credit card purchases are welcome. 

Purchase your tickets in advance now through 12 pm MST, Nov. 20 using a credit card online. (Onsite ticket sales will continue at the booth until the drawing begins as 12:45.) Select the number of tickets needed. You will receive a receipt for the purchase and your tickets will be available for pickup in the Basket Bonanza booth in the convention center. They will be ready for you to put in the baskets you choose without the need for you to fill out a number or name on the back. 


Regional Fundraising Challenge

During the Month of November, and especially at the IAEM Annual Conference, the IAEM-USA regions and the UCC will be engaged in fundraising. The challenge will help celebrate Giving Tuesday and end at 12:01 a.m. EST on Wednesday, Dec. 4. Regional members can help their region lead the charge in the giving challenge whether at the conference or at home by giving through the regional online fundraising portal. Pick your region's portal link to help increase it in the challenge.  Please make a #GivingTuesday gift via this method.

Choose from these IAEM-USA Regional Giving Portals!

IAEM-USA Region 1

IAEM-USA Region 2

IAEM-USA Region 3

IAEM-USA Region 4

IAEM-USA Region 5

IAEM-USA Region 6

IAEM-USA Region 7

IAEM-USA Region 8

IAEM-USA Region 9

IAEM-USA Region 10

Universities & Colleges Caucus


Contact Us

IAEM Headquarters

201 Park Washington Ct,
Falls Church, VA 22046

Dates and Locations

Dates and Locations of Future IAEM Annual Conferences:

Nov. 14 – 20, 2025*
 Louisville, KY

 Nov. 13 – 18, 2026*
 Long Beach, CA

 Nov. 12 – 18, 2027*
Colorado Springs, CO

 Nov. 10 – 16, 2028*
Savannah, GA

*The core program dates are Sunday-Wednesday, with additional Friday-Saturday and Thursday-Friday pre- and post-conference training and other options.

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