(subject to change)
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM
Registration, Coffee/Donuts, Networking
8:00 AM - 8:15 AM
Welcome/Review Agenda
Erik Gaull and Katie Fox
8:15 AM - 9:15 AM
Office of National Capital Region Coordination
Kim Kadesch
9:15 AM - 9:30 AM
Networking Break
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
DHS Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships
Ryan Garfinkle and Jordan Garza
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
EMI Anywhere
Jeff Stern
11:30 AM - 12:15 PM
Lunch with Friends and New Colleagues
12:15 PM - 1:45 PM
Region 3 FEMA and State Leadership Panel
Randy Padfield, Chris Rodriguez, AJ Schall, Russ Strickland, Shawn Talmadge, MaryAnn Tierney
1:45 PM - 2:00 PM
Statements from IAEM R3 VP Candidates
2:00 PM - 2:15 PM
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
Insights on January 6th
Donell Harvin
3:15 PM - 3:30 PM
Region 3 Update and Symposium Closing
Erik Gaull
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Happy Hour (TBD)
7:05 PM -10:00 PM
DC Nationals vs. Atlanta Braves