US GAC News-2023

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  • IAEM was mentioned during the AM Radio in Every Vehicle Act discussion on the Senate floor (Dec. 5, 2023) Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and Senator Ed Markey of Massachusetts attempted to pass the AM Radio in Every Vehicle Act by unanimous consent. Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky objected, so the bill continues to await an opportunity for a roll call vote. Senator Cruz and Senator Markey spoke at length about the bill, and Senator Markey gave IAEM and NEMA a shout-out during his remarks. Read the transcript here.
  • IAEM and four partner associations issued a letter on S. 3071, Disaster Management Costs Modernization Act (24 Oct. 2023) Five emergency management-related associations, including IAEM, sent a letter to the leadership of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee urging support for the Disaster Management Costs Modernization Act. Read the letter.
  • IAEM issued a letter regarding NWS funding (19 Sept. 2023) IAEM-USA, NEMA, and Big City Emergency Managers sent a letter to House and Senate Appropriations leadership urging NWS funding at no less than the President's FY 2024 budget request. Read the letter.
  • IAEM and two partners organizations provide comments on the FY24 Budget (28 Aug. 2023) IAEM, NEMA, and Big City Emergency Managers sent a letter to the House and Senate Appropriations Committee leadership regarding funding for specific programs relative to EMs. Read the letter
  • IAEM and 15 related organizations issued a letter urging funding of the Disaster Relief Fund (29 Aug. 2023) IAEM-USA and 15 related organizations urged Congressional and Senate leadership to provide $12 billion for the Disaster Relief Fund in the Continuing Resolution. Read the letter.
  • IAEM issued a letter regarding NWS funding (3 July 2023) IAEM-USA sent a letter to the Senate and House Appropriations leadership requesting the NWS be funded at the level in the President's budget for FY24. Read the letter
  • IAEM and other EM associations issued letter supporting the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act (5 June 2023) IAEM, NEMA, Big Cities Emergency Managers, IAFC, and NaCo sent a letter to U.S. House and Senate leadership expressing their deep concern with the decision by some  automakers to remove AM radio from their vehicles and to urged lawmakers to support legislation to include AM radio reception as a federal safety standard for all vehicles sold in the United States. Specifically, the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act (H.R. 3413 / S. 1669) would direct federal automotive safety regulators to require automakers to maintain AM broadcast radio in their new vehicles at no additional charge to consumers, as a safety feature critical to ensuring that Americans can tune in to authoritative emergency information and updates. Download the letter.
  • IAEM and NEMA endorse HR 1796, the Disaster Survivor Fairness Act (11 May 2023) IAEM and NEMA sent a joint letter to the leaders of the House Committee on Transportation endorsing the Disaster Survivor Fairness Act which would reform FEMA's Individual Assistance program. Read the letter.