IAEM Letters, Statements, and Testimony 2020

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Date Issued  

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Dec. 4

IAEM Recommendations sent to the Biden Transition Team, titled: IAEM Recommendations for Action During the First 100 Days of the Administration of President-Elect Biden


Nov. 16  Press Release, "Emergency Managers Urge Swift Passage of FEMA Assistance Relief Act, H.R. 8266"


Sept. 29

Coalition letter supporting the FEMA Assistance Act, H.R. 8266, sent to the Speaker of the House and the Minority Leader of the House

IAEM, NGA, NCSL, NLC, NACo, ICMA, CSG, NEMA, Governors Homeland Security Advisors Council, The United States Conference of Mayors

Aug. 31

Letter to FEMA Administrator Pete Gaynor supporting PPE and disinfectants to remain covered under Public Assistance for COVID-19


Aug. 25  Letter to FEMA Administrator Pete Gaynor expressing concern that PPE and disinfectants will be eliminated by FEMA as eligible reimbursable expenses under Public Assistance for COVID-19

IAEM, NGA, NCSL, NLC, NACo, ICMA, CSG, NEMA, US Conference of Mayors

June 29

Coalition Letter to Senate leaders advocating support for state and local governments

IAEM and more than 150 other organizations

April 24

3DEP Coalition Letter to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies requesting support for the U.S Geological Survey’s 3D Elevation Program in the FY 2020 Budget at $146 million

IAEM and 51 other organizations

April 24

3DEP Coalition Letter to the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies requesting support for the U.S Geological Survey’s 3D Elevation Program in the FY 2020 Budget at $146 million

IAEM and 51 other organizations

April 23

Flood Map Coalition Letter to Senate and House Appropriation Committee leaders supporting at least maintaining FY 2020 funding levels in the FY 2021 budget for FEMA’s Flood Hazard Mapping and Risk Analysis Program

IAEM and 22 organizations

April 9 Letter to FEMA Administrator Gaynor and DHS Acting Secretary Wolf regarding FY 2020 preparedness grants and applauding the elimination of ranges and target allocations and how each state, territory, and designated UASI will receive the higher dollar amount outlined in the original notice on Feb. 14 IAEM, NGA, NGSL US Conference of Mayors, NACo, NLC, ICMA, CSG, NEMA, GFOA, Governors Homeland Security Advisors Council

April 3

Letter to FEMA Administrator Gaynor and DHS Acting Secretary Wolf requesting a delay of implementation on new grant requirements for one year

IAEM, NGA, NGSL, US Conference of Mayors, NACo, NLC, ICMA, CSG, NEMA, GFOA, Governors Homeland Security Advisors Council

March 25  Letter to the leadership of the House and Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, HHS, Education, and Related Agencies urging that at least $824 million be included in the FY 2021 Labor, Health, and Human Services and Education Appropriations budget for the CDC's Public Health Emergency Preparedness Cooperative Agreement (PHEP) and at least $474 million for ASPR's Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP)

IAEM and 38 other organizations

Feb. 28

Letter to House Appropriations Committee Leaders Requesting Supplemental Funding for COVID-19