USA Committees

IAEM-USA Committees

IAEM-USA has Standing Committees, Ad Hoc Committees, and Caucuses. Standing Committees are bodies with an ongoing, operational function, and Ad Hoc Committees are formed to complete a specific assignment of limited duration. Caucuses are groups with a special focus or function within the practice of emergency management.

Interested in Joining a Committee or Caucus?

IAEM-USA members interested in participating on a committee, caucus, or ad hoc committee page may review the group’s webpage through the links below. Email the staff liaison listed on the group’s page to request to be added as a member.

Learn How to Become a Committee or Caucus Leader

The period for expressing interest in committee or caucus leadership opened on June 3 and will run through July 5. Learn how to become a leader.

IAEM-USA Committee, Caucus, and Ad Hoc Chair Resources

Current IAEM-USA Standing Committees,
Ad Hoc Committees, Appointments, and Task Forces:

IAEM-USA Standing Committees

IAEM-USA Ad Hoc Committees


  • David Barber, Chaplain
  • Beth Armstrong, MAM, CAE, Parliamentarian
  • Kevin Schaller, Sergeant-at-Arms

IAEM-USA Task Forces

  • Certification Commission Nominations Task Force
    Glenn Jones, CEM
  • Ethics Complaints and Procedures Task Force
    Erik Gaull, CEM, Chair
  • Scholarship Commission Nominations Task Force
    Rick Cox, CEM, Chair
  • Comminty Impact Task Force
    Shekinah Jones, CEM, Chair


Want to Form a New Group?

Email chelsea@iaem.com an issue paper identifying the group purpose, tasks, and composition. The IAEM-USA Board must approve all new groups.


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